this girl, she... — Liz Lamoreux

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this girl, she...

liz lamoreux

this girl, she sees all the other girls with their knee-high boots worn with skirts and skinny jeans and their oh my goodness how they make autumn look sexy looks. this girl, she wants a piece of that. a tiny piece is all she thinks she needs. but this girl, she is curvy and living inside a body that once held another body with the long not at all straight scar to prove it, and this girl is not feeling anywhere near sexy. no. this girl is a girl with legs that hold up her curvy self (that hold up this world some days). so this girl has known that these legs, her legs, will not find their way inside a pair of making autumn look a bit sexy, knee-high boots.

this girl is (sometimes) sitting inside wishing instead of being.

not today.

today, this girl wears these boots. these knee-high worn with a twirly dress boots.


today, she dances in her curvy body and lets go of the need to hold it all up. she lets go of the need to wish for someone other than herself.

today, this girl twirls inside the truth of who she is becoming.