four things. — Liz Lamoreux

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four things.

liz lamoreux

1. i am getting outside with my camera again. thank you blue skies. thank you "you are your own muse." thank you ellie jane who likes riding in the moby.

2. this month, i am pretty much going to post everyday (aka nablopomo). or try to. (maybe even two times some days.) i want to find my words again. and sometimes i am going to turn off the comments. just because.

3. my little etsy shop is open again, and i have uploaded several new soul mantra necklaces. note that the "begin" limited edition fall necklace is available again for the next couple of weeks.

4. remember this post? the one where i mentioned this, "i want to sing to her until she joins in." well, it happened yesterday. ellie jane was hanging out in her bouncy seat pretty chill after a short nap. the house was quiet. i was working on jewelry, finishing the "tell your story" necklace, and suddenly, i was, of course, singing deb talan's song of the same name. as i was singing without really realizing it..."tell your story...don't stop talking, just tell you story walking"...she joined in. yes. yes. yes. (thank you for holding the space for me so i could find my way to this day.)