the beana and the book. — Liz Lamoreux

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the beana and the book.

liz lamoreux

the bean and the book

last night, the beana and i took a trip to barnes and noble.

and the book, the book that i wrote, was on a shelf. in barnes and noble. (right there behind the book by emily martin. the black apple. wow!)

i held up inner excavation and explained how this book is about looking at where we have been, where we stand on our paths, and where we want our next steps to take us.

i explained that it is about healing and remembering our younger selves and joy.

i explained that it invites people to find the poet waiting inside them and to dance inside photographs and to get messy with paint and paper and colors.

i explained that some amazing women share themselves in this book.

i explained that mama wrote it.

and, she basically rolled her eyes.

it was awesome.