five (really) good things — Liz Lamoreux

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five (really) good things

liz lamoreux

the realness of our moments . january 31

even though i am feeling a bit buried in all that is, i am taking time to notice what is so beautiful and true about this moment right now:

1) today (for the first time), i played with the timer on my camera to capture ellie jane and me. not sure why i waited this long as it was so much fun. she was captivated by the sound of the timer so most of the photos had her turning to look just as it clicked, but i love this one. letting go of the negative self-talk about how i am not wearing makeup or didn't shower or how the list goes one. instead, really loving the idea that every photo i take will become clues to ellie, jon, and me (and ellie's children if she has any and so on) about this time in our lives. every photo becomes a clue.

2) the delightful marilyn (one of my first blog world friends) has an interview series she shares at la salonnierre, and she asks the best questions! i am so happy to be answering a few this week. you can read the interview here, including my poem note about how indiana still lives in me.

3) so i was in the winter issue of Artful Blogging. seriously. i can't believe i haven't mentioned it before now because it is basically one of those creative dreams come true. [my name on a cover of a magazine. w.o.w.] last week, ellie and i went to borders and discovered they still had a few copies. (a few people have asked me where to find it, so you might check your local borders; however, the spring issue will be out soon.)


4) the beana is sitting up. just like that. she went from sitting up for seconds at a time to playing by herself for five minutes without falling over. i am kind of amazed by her every single day.

5) the sky was blue today. blue. when we took millie out, ellie and i spotted chickadees, nuthatches, so many round junkos, and a hummingbird. there are buds on the cherry tree. people ask me why they should come to the pacific northwest for a retreat in february or march? because those cherry trees will be blooming. (i think about so many of you about to be buried in snow, and i send you the hope that you can take a moment or two to soak in the beauty of wherever you are.)


and how about you? tell me five (really) good things about your world. 

(dare you)