a quiet moment — Liz Lamoreux

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a quiet moment

liz lamoreux


love candle and a few other good things

jon is down the hall working his baby whisperer magic and i am working away on etsy orders and filing state taxes and sorting through retreat registrations...but i wanted to just show up here to say thank you for holding the space for me as you read my last post. recently, a friend gently suggested to me that quite a few people in my life don't know many of the pieces of my experiences since i became pregnant in the fall of 2009 (or don't perhaps know the depth to which these experiences have affected me) and that sharing these pieces might be an important aspect of my healing (along with helping others to really see me and even to see themselves). i am hearing this invitation to practice what i believe and stand inside the words i have told others.

it is good.


on another topic: over the last year or so, i have recorded three audio meditations, and i now have them listed in the sidebar under "find your center." (i created a section of this site where i will be housing audio meditations just so it is easy for people to find them.) note that you can download them and save them to your computer, ipod, and so on (my understanding is that the easiest way to download them is to right click and save). if you have any questions when you listen to them, just let me know.

i hope your week is full of so many good things and moments to simply soak it all up...