today... — Liz Lamoreux

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liz lamoreux

Today I let go of how I thought things would unfold and tried to just stay present amidst the grumps of a one year old.

Today I woke up almost choking on grief and missing after a dream about a house in South Carolina.

Today I called a friend just to hear her voice and I was gently held across the miles.

Today I wished for sparkly purple eyeshadow but settled for the dark blue with a few sparkles I found in the drawer even though it made me look more tired. 

Today I ate two meals while standing in the kitchen.

Today I watched my daughter point to the birds in the trees when I said, "Do you see the chickadees?"

Today I watched the eighth Harry Potter movie twice (during nap time and after everyone else was in bed).

Today I dusted off the altar in the family room and rearranged it and gave it a new focus as I burned the Earth candle all afternoon.

Today I received some truly beautiful emails from my Create Space students that reminded me that this work is what I feel called to do.

Today I stood outside under the blue sky and remembered to breathe.

Today I took photos of necklaces layered on Betty and began to upload a few to the shop.

Today I stained my fingers with frozen blueberries as Ellie and I shared a bowl to help the grumps.

Today I gave myself the gift of several mugs of tea.

Today I lived in big and small ways and somehow found my way to keep my heart open to all of it.