notes for the journey: one lovely find — Liz Lamoreux

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notes for the journey: one lovely find

liz lamoreux



a few years ago, i started a series of posts called "notes for the journey." the posts usually include things like links to blog posts, photos, and other good things that are inspiring me. my plan is to post these types of posts more often and broaden the topics to include etsy finds, tools i use in my world and other resources, books i am reading, inspiration from the world of living with ellie jane, and even some posts about clothing. (yes. clothing. i have been getting a few emails lately about clothes for curvier women and i would love to share some of my favorite handmade clothing designers [who make custom sizes!], shops, and other finds with you.)

today, i am starting with my new favorite boots. 

you might remember this post from november. in that post, i talked about how i had found a pair of knee-high boots that actually fit me. and invited me to feel just a bit sexy (most days, that sexy feeling feels beyond out of reach so i can use all the help i can get). several people wrote me wondering about those boots. and i love my riekers.

when shopping the after-Christmas sales with my stepmom, we found a pair that is a bit more versatile and even more comfortable and in an even better color for the skirts i like to wear (and i was lucky enough to receive them as an after-Christmas gift).


these ecco boots are a similar style to the other pair i have, but something about them just makes me feel like my most kick-ass, superhero self. and the color just goes with everything (the pacific northwest clouds didn't help me capture the color. they are a dark kind of milk chocolate brown suede). they are a bit pricey, but i think the cost is worth it because i see myself wearing them almost all-year round (as boots can be worn in july some days in the seattle area).

here is one key thing i have found with boots that work for me: they have buckles on the sides and extra stretch (called goring) beneath these buckles. (and a little secret they told me at nordstrom: if you find a pair you are in love with that don't quite fit, they will send them to a cobbler who will stretch them for you. you might even have one in your town who will do this.)

something tells me that adventures are to come when i wear these boots...


thank you for sharing pieces of yourselves and your stories in the comments of my previous post. today, as i read your comments, i scooped up your words and blew them to the candle all my altar, asking the universe to gently hold these truths. thank you for getting it and for holding my stories. i am going to share more about each of the items on yesterday's list (starting off lightly with this post about boots) over the next few weeks. sending love and light to you in your corner of the world...