i want to remember...
liz lamoreux
july 2023
This is not a photo of @kellymadelife and me laughing so hard I started wheezing. This is not a photo of each of us tearing up as the other shared a story. This is not a photo of frozen cokes or salt and vinegar and dill pickle potato chips alongside classic rock and tree-lined streets. The is is not a photo of the most comfortable bed or the pile of pillows we’d all be lucky to have. This is not a photo of potential suitors or stories about crushes from high school. This is not a photo of the way friendship can hold space for grief and joy and hope. This is not a photo of mushroom risotto or pizza with banana peppers or fig + orange jam with goat cheese. This is a photo of a slice of my dear friend’s everyday world that I will hold close forever and ever amen.
Also, it’s possible Kelly B and I are at the beginning stages of cooking up a retreat in the midwest for next year. Yep. For real. Stay tuned.