five (really) good things . where i remind myself i choose... — Liz Lamoreux

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five (really) good things . where i remind myself i choose...

liz lamoreux


a boy and his guitar . september 2010

1. pumpkin spice lattes are back. 
2. this afternoon, i am creating several custom soul mantra necklaces, and this has me thinking about how healing it is to hammer phrases like "stand in your light" and "rest inside love" and "claim your worth" into metal.*
3. ellie has started laughing when we dance to some favorite songs. that sound, oh that sound, how it causes me to remember how beautiful life is.
4. pushing myself to own that i am brave in so many aspects of my life. honoring this is a gift i give myself. 
5. my brother and his girlfriend [who are the duo hello mtn] were here last weekend. i am still smiling when thinking about the afternoon we spent at point defiance park. they are working on a video of the song they wrote for ellie** and i had the privilege of taking some footage for them and snapping photos along the way. that day taught me so much about photography and creating and reminded me of the importance of having artist dates even in the midst of challenging times. (we must refill our soul's well and this is an important way for me.)

*i am currently taking custom soul mantra orders until this wednesday, september 15. i will be closing the shop for several weeks later this month as i focus on ellie's health needs. the next time i will be able to offer custom necklaces and lockets will probably be in november.

**the song they wrote and recorded for ellie...well...i simply cannot wait until i can share it with you later this fall. it is the most beautiful gift i have ever received. and the words, the words are healing me each time i hear them. matt gave me the okay to share a snippet of video here next week, so stay tuned for some photos from our day along with a little video clip.


i make lists like these to remind myself that i can choose to find the goodness even when i am in the midst of the scariest time in my life. because even though so much of the day is filled with medication and worry of what is to come and trying to support one another while being so exhausted, i can still stop by starbucks while running errands and spend just a few seconds breathing in the "fall is on its way" smell of a pumpkin spice latte and then notice the smiling down on me through the sunroof blue of the sky and turn up the radio and sing along until i pull up in front of the house. each day, each moment, i can still choose the way i see things and who i want to be. and i always want to be the person who seeks the beauty in the moments.

and you...
what are your five (really) good things today?
i would love to hear them.