a bus full of poetry {poetry thursday} — Liz Lamoreux

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a bus full of poetry {poetry thursday}

liz lamoreux

My husband gets up before me almost every day (except for the nights I suffer from insomnia). So sometimes when I make my way to my laptop in the morning, I will find a clipping from the newspaper waiting for me. Something he thought I might want to know. (love this)

Earlier this week, I came upon a little clipping about a magic bus full of poetry. It seems that Wave Books has a bus that has been traveling around the country during September and October celebrating poetry with poetry readings and other events. 50 cities in 50 days.

My reason for telling you this is because the bus will be in Portland on October 24 and will be back in Seattle on October 27. If you are in this neck of the woods, you might want to check it out.

To read more visit this article at The Washington Post and this article at The Believer (which, by the way, is a very interesting online publication I have just stumbled upon).

And also check out the Poetry Bus Tour blog (I am calling it that...because...well, I think it is a blog).

A bus full of poets and poetry...sounds like a nice way to spend a few weeks doesn't it?