what to do... — Liz Lamoreux

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what to do...

liz lamoreux

update: just got off the phone with my grandpa. he is still in the hospital and even though he said he is doing horrible, his voice sounded strong and i got him to laugh. i am feeling hopeful.


some thoughts running around my head today about little things you can do when you feel overwhelmed/sad/confused/afraid:

do call a friend when you need to talk; don't just think about it and wonder if she will have time for you or if he will be around, just dial the phone. (thank you and thank you. support from someone who loves you is a wonderful gift.)

ask your blogger friends for help. (thanks for kind words and sending such positive thoughts to my grandpa and to me.)

seek laughter. (if you are having a crappy day, seek out comedy specials on HBO. last night, i watched ellen's special here and now for the fourth time and laughed until i cried. i followed that with wanda sykes hbo special...oh she is some kind of funny. i think i might turn ellen on again later today.)

notice the little things your partner does to help you feel better. (jonny, thanks for making tacos and getting me ice cream.)

cuddle with your pet. (scoot over here millie.)

cuddle with your ugly dolls. (thanks for the support jeero and moxie.)

dive into the archives of a blogger you enjoy and really get to know that person. (this is my new way of reading blogs: read the entire archives. yes, i am doing this right now. i feel a bit like i am stalking alicia at posie gets cozy when i open her blog again and keep it open all day, but i am reading her entire blog in between chapters i am editing this week.)

wear flannel pj's and warm snuggly slippers. (especially if it is chilly out.)

notice nature. (there are so many birds in our backyard lately. cooler weather is here and they are eating so much.)

think about all the things you have to look forward to. (if you don't have something, create something. i have something that i am very excited about, but i am also thinking about little things, like grey's anatomy tomorrow.)

create something with your two hands. (cook some soup, paint a canvas, paint your toenails, write a poem. tomorrow i am going to finish those purses and start some gifts.)

curl up in child's pose. (i settle into this pose and breathe and invite my body to let go of all that it holds.)

take a long hot shower. (off to do this now.)

give in to the tears if they are there. don't be afraid of them. (going to probably do this right now, in the shower, too.)

what do you do?

The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keep out the joy.
Jim Rohn