good morning monday {october 16} — Liz Lamoreux

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good morning monday {october 16}

liz lamoreux


back to Paul Simon. the graceland album.


project runway. i can’t wait for the season finale on wednesday!

a very odd, yet interesting movie called time after time. malcolm mcdowell as HG Wells if he had indeed built his time machine. (jack the ripper in involved. it is odd. let’s just say jonny wanted it in the netflix queue.) sidenote: we totally saw malcolm mcdowell in port townsend last month which is what prompted "netflixing" the movie. he was there for their film festival and ate at the same restaurant we did.

harvey. do you know this movie? oh how i love, love, love it. jimmy stewart. i adore him.

johnny depp on inside the actor’s studio (i couldn’t help but think of you michelle).


the newest copy of home companion (i subscribe now. i am owning my inner-craftiness.)

the poetry of li-young lee from Rose. i am so struck by his images. i just want to spend an entire day wrapped up in his words.


flower tea towel

so i don’t know what i am doing, but i tried appliquéing a tea towel for the swap i am participating in. (it is now on its way to australia!) [i have to admit i think it is cute but i worry it won’t survive the wash. like i said, i don’t really know what i am doing. {this is the part where you direct me to a tutorial.}]

and some new they are in progress...

purses in progress


those PC v. Mac commercials. i love them. i admit it. especially the new one where they are in therapy together. it cracks me up (i mean i actually laugh out loud).

pam garrison’s blog (i read her entire archives in the wee hours of the morning saturday). what a wonderful view of the world this artist has. hope to take a class from her at some point in the future!

alicia’s deliciously beautiful blog (i am currently reading her archives and enjoying every bit of wisdom, color, and craftiness that comes from her heart).

crafty synergy (a blog with interviews with women who have made their “craftiness” their life’s work).


thanks for the tips about the chards and the beets! we ate the chards saturday night (cooking them on the stove). jon liked them…i thought they tasted like grass…which is why I avoid those green leafy veggies so often. but I added some raisins and that was good. I am trying to love leafy veggies, really I am. we added the beats to salad – they were scrumptious. I have a few left so I might try to make a soup for fun…or just eat more salad.

this morning, i ate breakfast sitting at the table. tried to make it a little event of “me” time. no laptop. no tv. just me (and an old issue of MSL).

breakfast on October 16yes, that is a pumpkin scone (from my favorite grocery store: metropolitan market. and when you come visit, I will take you there and you will stand in the produce section and want to weep as well).


genmaicha (green tea with brown rice).

cranberry juice.


my (red) converse sneakers and my little dream to make a difference. this phrase “we are the people we’ve been waiting for” is resonating deeply within me today. it is one of the phrases used by people supporting the (red) campaign. if you missed bono on oprah friday, visit these sites to learn more:
(blog) red
become (red)/join (red)
the global fund
i am going to write a longer post about this so it doesn’t get lost in the middle of my list here…but i hope you will think about joining me in supporting (red).


about the conversation i had with my mom friday. it was a good conversation, and we talked about lots of “stuff.” i learned more about my grandmother’s death in the midst of this conversation as i shared what i have been thinking about lately. (i learned that she was, in fact, alone when she died. i did not know this. somehow between the information from my mom, grandpa, and aunt, i thought the doctor/nurses tried to save her. but no, she was already dead. of course, this doesn’t affect the reality of her death. still, it changes my understanding. and fills me up with a mixture of new sadness and relief.)

about an incredible conversation i had with my dear friend letha on friday. this woman and her family are going to go to africa next year and change the world. i cannot wait to see what happens.

i have been reflecting on this idea i have talked about before that through my grief i found myself. and that 18 months ago i never would have dreamed that i would be waking myself up at 4 a.m. on a Saturday because my brain was filled with stories and ideas for things i want to create with my own hands. incredible. so i got up out of bed and sketched and researched some things. and then went back to bed for a while, then got back up and started creating!


my grandpa. he has been in the hospital all weekend and should be going home today. nothing too serious and for that i am so very thankful. (my fear of losing him just rests inside the grief of losing my grandmother. it is all so connected. and this weekend i just tried to keep it all on a little shelf inside my heart.)

this face. she is such a blessing to me. i am less lonely because she is here beside me every single day.
