ohhhh the goodness...and how it connects to bringing in the sexy — Liz Lamoreux

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ohhhh the goodness...and how it connects to bringing in the sexy

liz lamoreux

such goodness

This is the loot from our first delivery from Tiny's Organics. Oh my...such delicious goodness.

two types of plouts, apples, arctic snow nectarines, salad mix, red chieftain potatoes, corn red chard, celery, carrots, and beets

oh my

I found myself eating a healthy lunch of celery with peanut butter (and some raisins because you need those) and a flavor rich (or was it the flavor king) pluot. Not some random thing that I found in the kitchen that is so not very good for me but I am starving and it is 3pm and I haven't eaten a thing yet. That is my usual way of getting through the day.

We will receive a big box of stuff just like this every Thursday. And each Thursday, I will probably scratch my head a bit about what to do with a few things...just like I did yesterday. So this is where you come in...

Thoughts on what to do with:
(or any of the rest of the stuff)

I don't think I had ever even seen chard (or noticed it at least) until yesterday.

And one more angle just so I can show off our new appliances. There is a pizza button on the microwave (and it works). Wish I had a before picture. Then you would really understand why we are so happy about it...

organic goodness and new appliances

{oh and yes...the part about bringing the sexy in...last week i mentioned at the end of my monday post that hanky pankies are the first step to bringing in the sexy. well, eating a bit healthier, feeling a bit lighter, feeling good about what i am putting in my body...that is another step.}