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20 songs to sing in the shower when you want to feel all the feelings

liz lamoreux

I often say that I turn to poetry when I need to feel all the feelings because the words of others help me find my own words when I'm neck deep in being human.

Music so often does the same thing for me.

Over the weekend, I found myself singing a medley of songs to just get myself out of a shame spiral that came up totally unexpectedly. When I was suddenly grooving to Billy Joel's "Just the Way You Are" while in the shower and feeling all that cheesy goodness of remembering that "my people" really do just want me to be me, I knew I wanted to make a list of the songs I turn to when I want to just be in the feelings, whatever they are. 

This is just part of that list, and is mostly full of songs that I pretty much know all the words to so I can sing them (or at least the chorus) in the shower or while pulling weeds (or just looking at the weeds) or cleaning the kitchen etc. Basically songs I don't need to also be listening to in order to sing. As I started pulling these songs together, I realized I could probably list about 50 or more but 20 is more the length of a mixed tape and oh how I miss mixed tapes.

Because of course music taste varies, if you have your own "feeling all the feelings" songs you like to sing or listen to, I hope you'll share them in the comments.


When you want to feel empowered for setting a boundary or two: Kelly Clarkson's "Since U Been Gone"

When you need to remind yourself that you're going to get through: fun.'s "Carry On"

When you need to remember that it's okay to still be really really mad (at least until it starts to distract your from actually living): Dixie Chick's "I'm Not Ready to Make Nice"

When you need to remember that you aren't alone over there: Carol King's "You've Got a Friend"

When you want to remind yourself that you have all the wisdom inside you to take the next step: Stephanie Dosen's "Brave"

When you want to step deep into vulnerability while also feeling the empowerment of singing one of the greatest songs of all time: Dolly Parton's "Jolene" (you knew it was going to make the list)

When the spark of something wondrous feels within your grasp: Joshua Radin's "Brand New Day"

When you need to remember that it doesn't matter what "they" say: Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off" (obviously)

When you're shaking off the shackles of who you're supposed to be: Queen's "I Want to Break Free"

When you're kind of hoping to get your sexy on: Jonatha Brooke's (featuring Keb' Mo') "All You Gotta Do Is Touch Me"

When you need the reminder that you aren't too much and you really can show up as you: Billy Joel's "Just the Way You Are" (I can't help myself. It's back in my life and I can't stop. Won't stop.)

When you just want to be in the sadness (or perhaps the miracle) of it all: Any version of "Hallelujah" from k.d. lang to Justin Timberlake and Matt Morris to (of course) Leonard

When you just want to give into the missing of that someone who isn't in your life anymore: Jim Croce's "Photographs and Memories" (I'll pass the tissues)

When you know it's time: Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror"

When you're fresh in the OMG how did this happen to me: Cee Lo Green's "Forget You"

When you want to bring on the joy: the Glee version of "Don't Stop Believing"

When nostalgia and what used to be or might have been is tugging on you: Judy Garland's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"

When you're deep in the grief and know it's okay to be there: Kenny Roger's "You Were a Good Friend"

When you're trusting the decision you're about to make: Rosie Thomas' "Wedding Day"

When you're letting in light and know things are getting better: Paul Simon's "Gone at Last" (This one is on just about every music list I have - dance it out, sing it out, get connected to who you want to be, dance with ellie, put on in the studio and shake it out, and how the list goes on.) 

And because oh my gosh I miss the days of mixed tapes, I made this list into a YouTube playlist here

What are you listening to over there when you want to feel all the feelings? Share in the comments. I'd love to know!


For more prompts and stories about creative-self care, sign up for my (almost) weekly newsletter right here.


liz lamoreux

When you read these words,
I hope you will pause
right here. 

Take a breath with intention,
and then another.
Let your shoulders relax,
feel your heart expand,
your feet ground you into the earth.

Then, when you are ready,
inhale and send compassion
out into the world
to anyone you know
who needs it.

Exhale and let this compassion
settle over you.

Then repeat, repeat, repeat. 

Let compassion lead you
as you take your next step. 


PS For more little reminders and love notes like this one, sign up for my (almost) weekly newsletter (where I also share stories of my real, true adventures in self-care and how I'm building my own bridges in my life).

may you show up as you and let yourself be loved

liz lamoreux


This is a post from deep into my archives. After almost 10 years of blogging, I'm revisiting some of the posts that still hold deep meaning for me in the hopes that you will connect with them too. 

After years of working to recognize the pattern I talk about in this piece, I'm pretty good at quickly seeing when it tries to present itself again. But this is one of those patterns that I think others experience, especially as we spend so much time online. If you recognize yourself, I hope you will try to open yourself up more instead of putting on armor to protect yourself. Again and again I've learned that it is only when I truly show up as me, in all the messiness that can entail, do I really find the people who deeply see me. This is one of the reasons I host retreats: To create a safe environment for women to practice showing up as themselves and seeing what it's like to make friends from that place.

Powerful important stuff.

This post demonstrates though that even when you know this, it can still be hard. But we keep trying anyway. (This is what keeping our hearts open is really all about I think.)


I've been thinking a lot about how I really know how to get lost inside my own head, and how sometimes that means getting lost inside the past. The truth is that the past is what gives us the experiences we need to deal with the moment we are living in, but sometimes the past creates a path where you are walking knee deep in murky stuff that isn't helping you at all but is instead threatening to pull you under.

A pattern has begun to make itself clear. I try very hard to feel alone in a group. I try to find a reason why someone won't like me or why I'm being invited to feel left out or why I'm not the most interesting person there so of course people really do not want me to be part of it all and oh how the list goes on.

(It is very embarassing to admit this.)

I try to find little reasons to feel lonely, even when I'm having a good time. And here is the thing, i don't even really realize I'm doing it because I'm so wrapped up in telling myself, "See, see, I'm right. They don't even want to listen to you/your ideas..." or some other such nonsensical phrasing that I try to make myself believe. Somehow this must have been working for me in the past. This walking in the back of the group "Oh look at me, no one even wants to walk with me" kind of crap...it must have been working. I think it is how I could justify feeling lonely so often.

And I suppose the reality is that I've had some experiences where this little voice has been proven right. Where someone seemed like a friend but wasn't. Where a group acted like they wanted me to be part of their closeness but when I was really myself, I was rejected.

These experiences have given that voice power..."see, I'm right!" it says...

So when I found myself invited to a weekend with a dear friend I've spent a lot of time with in person and two bloggers I couldn't wait to meet in person and spend time with, I said yes. And I didn't even think about saying no. I guess I wasn't allowing myself to dwell on any negative possibilities because if I did, I might have a total panic attack thinking that the rejection I'd felt from other bloggers I'd spent time with might happen again.

And I never did let that panic even whisper loud enough to warrant recognition.

Still, I tried to feel alone in a group again.

Yes. I. Did.

Even though I was having an incredible time. Even though I felt truly embraced. Even though I was staying in a home where I feel like family when I'm there.

I still tried to let the past stomp on the present.

But, this time, I tried to just observe it while it was happening. I recognized it, "Oh, there you are again. There you are trying to invite me to see something that isn't happening. I see you." And I just let myself feel it, while also staying really, really present in what was happening around me.

And a funny thing happened. I couldn't convince myself that it was happening again because all the evidence pointed to an experience with three women where I was being really seen for all of me.

Staying present while allowing myself to be honest with me about the emotions that were coming up allowed me to remain grounded while recognizing my own wisdom.

And, there is this other piece of deciding not to share all those feelings as I was having them because even though I was surrounded by women who care about me, who would have listened, sometimes the sharing creates an unexpected drama that just isn't needed if you allow yourself to find that grounding within.

I believe this one simple truth: We all want to be liked.

But there is another layer of this: We need to like ourselves.

I know that might sound simple or silly or "mid-80s new agey," but we need to look at the truth of our own self-reflection and be honest about what we say to ourselves and how that invites its own layer of confusion as we live in our lives. Or should i say, I'm doing this a bit more each day and realizing how it enables me to be so much more fully present in my life.

I started this blog in the middle of the two-year yoga teacher training i did a few years ago. I was in the midst of understanding how just being with one's breath, present within the inhale and exhale, could change one's life. The idea of trying to "be present, be here."

Learning to really live this, not just speak of it, is a pretty intense experience.

But, I think it is really living. Living by being present and grounded and embraced within your own knowledge and truth...while allowing yourself to be loved.

My hope for you is that you let yourself be loved.

let there just be love. {a meditation}

liz lamoreux


Let this be a simple meditation for you today. As you read each word, just be right here. Breathing. Being. Choosing.

In this moment,
right now,
give yourself permission
to take a breath in
and feel the space 
around your heart
And as you exhale,
all the stuff
you are carrying today
slips off your shoulders.
For this moment,
let there
just be

PS To receive little reminders and stories in your inbox, sign up to receive my (almost) weekly newsletter here.

the time had come

liz lamoreux

In many ways these words are at the core of the work I'm putting into the world each day. This moment when you decide, "Yes, I have a choice." This is where the magic of realizing you truly can hold the grit in one hand and the beauty in the other and live the heck out of your life no matter what. 


If you'd like encouraging stories about the moments when I'm holding these choices in my hands and deciding to say, "Yes, even this" along with self-care prompts in your inbox, please sign up for my (almost) weekly newsletter right here. I'd love to connect with you. (Yes, you.)

current great.ly favorites

liz lamoreux

print by Colour Moon over on Great.ly

I keep meaning to tell you that I'm curating some awesome handmade goods over on Great.ly, which is a site where makers and tastemakers can connect. Even though I'm actually a maker, I'm using the site with my "tastemaker" hat on, which is the one I wear as that person who has more than 3 million Pinterest followers. (Still seems crazy to type that.)

As a Great.ly tastemaker, I curate my own little storefront of handmade goods I love and then share them with my peeps. When a love match is made between the maker and the buyer, Great.ly gives me a small commission. This has been a fun way for me to find new artists and curate products in a different way.

Here are a few of my current favorites:

This ring from Marja Germans Gard Studio looks like a crystal but is really made from recycled silver. Gorgeous.

Cats are my bag from Xenotees. Because dude, cat things are really in and this bag is adorbs and if my mom and Jon weren't super allergic to cats, we'd totally have one. I gave Jon one of their tees (different design) a few years ago for Christmas. We're fans.

The Love + Salt Beach Mist by Olivine Atelier is currently in my shopping cart. It just looks awesome. And sometimes you just need to pretend you're at the beach.

So no surprise that I love this terarrium by Sea & Asters. I'm obsessed with anything involving an air plant these days. 

This make your own kangaroo kit is adorable. I actually have one that's a dinosaur that I'm starting soon. It looks pretty darn doable.

Hope you have fun exploring Great.ly. Lots of new (to me) makers over there creating the coolest things!