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tea for one

liz lamoreux

As part of my current collaboration with eBay, I recently wrote a guide about taking the time to drink a cup of tea as an act of self-care. If you've been around here for a while, you know that one of my go-to self-care moves is to focus on my senses, and in this guide, I dive into how drinking a cup of tea can actually be like a senses meditation.

You can read it here and other guides I've written for eBay here.

The photos with this guide (including the one above), taken by Vanessa Simpson of Focus in Photography, make me so happy.

listening with our hearts

liz lamoreux

Over here, I believe that sometimes we have to turn to the words of others when our own words fail us. I've been turning to Mister Rogers for wisdom often throughout the last year or so, well really for the last 38 years. 

Did I tell you the dream I had about him earlier this year? In the dream, I walked into a classroom in the preschool I attended just as the kids were running out to play for recess. Mister Rogers was standing in the classroom. I walked over to him and began to tell him all that his work has meant to me and how he was instrumental in teaching me so much about love as a child. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes and said, "Teachers like you must keep doing the work I was doing." 

When I woke up, my first thought was, "I'm so glad I was able to tell him what he meant to me before he died." And after a few moments, my fuzzy, just-awake mind remembered that he's been dead for years. Months later, it still feels real. I have to remind myself that it was a dream, yet I also feel so grateful for that moment with him even if it was imagined.

As you walk through whatever you are walking through in your corner, I hope you'll keep listening with your ears and your heart. I hope you'll keep asking questions, even when it feels awkward and hard. I hope you'll realize that just starting the conversation, whatever it may need to be about, is one step closer to love.

Be kind to each other, to yourself, today,


I sent this note to the beautiful souls on my newsletter list over the weekend and thought you might want to read it too. To receive love notes like this in your inbox just about weekly, sign up for my newsletter here.

love this :: scoutmob favorites

liz lamoreux

For a few weeks now, I've been curating my favorites from Shoppe by Scoutmob over on Pinterest. Shoppe by Scoutmob is an awesome site that supports makers by giving them a platform to sell a handful of their goods. It is full of gorgeous, fun handmade items. Here are a few of my current favorites:

The Hanging Air Plant Terrarium Kit by Makerskit looks awesome! I'm in love with air plants (read all about my adventures with them here). This kit would be a great gift for just about anyone in your life. 

The Deer Antler necklace by PeachTreeLane is unique and so beautiful. Love it. (I also love the Birds on a Wire necklace by Metamorphis Metals.)

The Original Baconkit by 7th West Charcuterie is literally a DIY bacon kit. This is beyond awesomesauce for the bacon enthusiast in your life.

Cold Brew Coffee Kit by Coffee Sock Co. Cold brew coffee is my new favorite thing; it's a lot less acidic and makes my body happier. I'm buying it at a local market and making it at home. (Meg shared a great DIY last year.) This kit is awesome and the perfect gift for the coffee connoisseur in your life. (I'm also really tempted to try this Highbrow Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate.)

The Johnny Cash quote print by Hey There Design is one I can't stop sharing on Pinterest because I just want everyone to read it. When asked about his description of paradise, he said, "This morning with her having coffee." Dude. I am smitten. I have to admit that I became a Johnny Cash fan only in the last few years. I missed out on really "getting" him when he was alive. I'm now in love. His music. His story. And this quote. Yes.

(Not pictured) The Leather iPhone Earbud Keeper by Stock & Barrel is an awesome stocking stuffer and something I totally need because I always get my earbuds tangled (not to mention that I just drop them whenever I'm done and I can't ever find them). They look beautifully made.

After putting this together, I realized that I shared several kits. There is so much more over on Scoutmob, but these are such unique and fun gifts. As an adult, we rarely have that joy of a "toy" to actually play with on Christmas Day. The kits mentioned are each things that the recipients could dive into during the holiday season so they could exercise that creative longing inside them. I love that. (There's even a DIY cheese kit and all you need is milk! And a gin kit! )

Note: The links above are affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission when you explore Shoppe through these links.

what is real.

liz lamoreux


A video posted by liz lamoreux (@lizelayne) on Dec 12, 2014 at 3:12pm PST


Over here:

I woke up knowing I did not get enough sleep.

I went back to bed for 20 minutes after Ellie and Jon left for school. It helped.

I hammered lots of phrases into metal before rushing off to Ellie's classroom to volunteer.

Halfway there I remembered I hadn't brushed my teeth.
For real.
I proceded to swish water around my mouth for about a mile and searched for a mint in my purse and came up with Burt's Bees tinted lip gloss which smells minty.

The kids were having snack time when I got there. I asked Ellie for a cheddar bunny and hoped for the best.

I was in charge of the table where the kids made snowmen on paper bags that they're going to use as gift bags. I explained the steps as we went but also just let them do their thing. This meant one of them made a triangle nose that was smaller than a nickel. The rest of them made noses that were more like life-sized carrots (like the example the teacher had made that I was trying to help them recreate). I heart the kid who wanted to just stick that little nose on the side of her bag. Most of the kids made something that kind of but totally did not look like the example. I stayed longer and helped take the kids to lunch (hard to say no when Ellie says "Please mama please come sit with me at lunch.") When her teacher sees them, I wonder if she's going to think "I'm probably not letting Eleanor's mom help with the crafty things again."*

Being at Ellie's school is a real treat and I'm happy my schedule is flexible enough that I can volunteer sometimes. When I'm there I want to work there. For real.

I lost work time unexpectedly, which was okay but still real.

I came home to some emails that turned me upside down a bit.

I got into a mood.

I turned on Taylor Swift (see above).

I remembered how I wanted to come to this space to write up some gift guides for you guys because I'm finding the most delightful things as I curate over on Pinterest. I'm hoping to make them soon, but until I do, if you're a Harry Potter fan, you gotta see this mug.  

While I was in the studio gathering gemstones and dancing, Millie ate six bagels. Millie, our golden retriever who we think is allergic to gluten. Now here's the thing, on one hand I'm kind of impressed. I mean, I couldn't eat six bagels in six hours. On the other. Shit.

Right now, I'm writing this list and thinking about how some things happening in our country right now have me so confused and sad. So I just keep lighting candles and sending love and compassion and peace out into the world. It's all I've got sometimes. Maybe you feel the same way.

And now it's time to for dinner and continuing to work with Ellie on her new needlepoint llama. Please let the evening be full of ease. For you too.


*I have a story coming about how I'm not crafty. I mean I know that I seem like I should be crafty and all, but I'm really not. I'm more like a deer in headlights when it comes to crafty things. For example, helping Ellie make her raccoon totem for school. Intense. More on that soon.

a holiday sale

liz lamoreux

My yearly holiday sale begins today! From now through Thursday, take 20% off your order at the Soul Mantras website and in my Etsy shop with code HOLIDAY20. You'll be able to enter the code on the checkout page of both shops, but over on Etsy, remember to click "Apply coupon code."

My new shop at soulmantras.com has all my limited edition and one-of-a-kind necklaces. You can find them all, like the new courage necklace above, the new popular sea glass altar necklace, and others from the Where the Forest Meets the Sea Collection, right here.

Both shops have the two new layered necklace sets: the ice crystal layers necklace above and the feather moon layers.

I'm also excited about this new "so I fly" pewter keychain. Several customers have requested this one, and I'm so happy to have found a design I'm happy with.

Thank you so much for your continued support of my shop. Feeling deeply blessed over here as I create these special pieces and send them out to your corner of the world. 


Introducing the Soul Talismans

liz lamoreux


The Soul Talisman is a one-of-a-kind necklace made just for you in my little studio in the Pacific Northwest. The intention behind this offering is that it will become your companion as the gemstones chosen just for you support what you most need. 

While I create your necklace, I will be holding you in my heart and blessing your stones and your stories. Your necklace will be infused with love and light and will be cleansed with sage before it is packaged up and sent to you.

I think of each necklace as deep soul work that I create the foundation for here in my corner as I gather and wire wrap and sing in my studio, and then I send it off to you as a reminder to begin tending to the seeds of that soul work in your corner.

Here's how it will work. You answer a few questions about where you are on your path right now along with a couple of style questions.

I was amazed that you could know me so well having only the few questions/answers.  It was wonderful to know the meaning behind why you chose those specific components for me and my necklace and showed exactly how much care and intention goes into your work.

- Deb

I light a candle in my studio and read your words. Then I sit in the quiet thinking about what you've shared and gather the stones that will support you.

Your chosen stones then sit on my altar overnight soaking up the blessings and wisdom that space holds. 

I set aside another block of time just for you where I bless the stones in light and love and then hand wire wrap them and create your special necklace. Then I handwrite a letter that shares the story behind your necklace, why the gemstones were chosen and other good things.

I cleanse your necklace with sage and choose an additional larger gemstone to include in your package that you can sit on your altar or carry with you in your pocket.

Then I gather it all together, along with a few other surprises, and send it off with love to you.

Please note: I will be choosing these gemstones for you from my collection in my studio. They will be stones that connect to what you've shared with me in our email exchange. I will also ask you a few style questions (such as length) but this offering invites you to trust what I'll create for you.

"The packaging and care that went into it was great. The handwritten note explaining the process and the stones chosen has already been read and reread several times. Love love love it! The amethyst and the note have been added to the alter I keep right in my closet so I see them at the start and end of each day."

- Kirsten

Sizes: There are two sizes to choose from with this offering: Small and Medium.

The smaller necklaces will have daintier gemstones and the entire pendant will be smaller in size. The smaller necklace is $115. Here are some examples. 

The medium necklaces will be larger with slightly larger gemstones that create a larger pendant. The medium necklace is $135. Here are some examples. 


To start the process, please choose which size you'd like and pay via PayPal below. The prices include US shipping. International customers, please choose international shipping, which is an additional $7.

SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICE: As a gift from me to you, the price below reflects a 15% off holiday special. This price will be available through December 5. If you'd like to receive your talisman before Christmas, please order by December 5. Orders placed after the 5th will begin shipping out around December 31. 

Sizes and Shipping

After I receive your order confirmation, I'll email you a questionnaire (at your PayPal email address) so we can get started. (If you want me to send it to a different email address, please email me and let me know.) Because of the special time set aside with this offering, your custom necklace will take 1-3 weeks to create.

If you have any questions, please email me.


liz lamoreux

Here we're cuddling on the couch watching holiday movies and hoping her cold doesn't get worse.

Here I'm getting into the picture even when I don't have on make-up and my dirty hair is every which way and I look as weary as I feel.

Here I'm listening to Anne Lamott read Help Thanks Wow and feeling gratitude.

Here I'm wondering if my uncle feels peace a year after his death.

Here we're crafting and art journaling and making Christmas gifts and listening to Taylor Swift on repeat.

Here patience is waning and I'm trying to remember the ways I used to be able to find the day's last thread of it all the way down in my toes.

Here I'm excited about twinkle lights and Christmas music.

Here I'm hoping a Trader Joe's turkey breast will be enough this week. 

Here I'm excited about this new necklace.

Here I'm looking forward to hearing my brother's laughter at my table this Thursday.

Here we're practicing kinder words and softer voices.

Here I almost ugly cried out loud sobbed during Hook tonight. (First time I watched it since he died, maybe even since Ellie was born. It is a favorite favorite favorite.)

Here I'm wearing this sweater almost every day.

Here there will be scones tomorrow.

Here I'm so in love with this post from Hula.  

Here I'm wondering about what my word of the year might be. Nothing has come to the surface yet. My ears and heart are open universe.

Here I'm really thankful for my dad's sobriety.

Here I'm considering rereading the Chronicles of Narnia.

Here I'm thinking about how just showing up as me is the path to joy.

Here I'm trying on setting down the desire to know all that is coming next when it comes to a few things over here and trusting that the next step will appear soon. Or at the very least, I'm believing that just sitting still will be okay for a little while.

a big dose of self-compassion

liz lamoreux

I've been looking for a necklace to honor the self-compassion and self-love we need to support us in the beauty and the grit we experience each day. Something that I could wear that would actually feel like a huge dose of love. Something I could hold onto in those moments when I take my five deep breaths. Something large enough that I'd be basically saying to myself, "I'm not kidding. I'm inviting in love and deep, wide self-compassion today."

And I found exactly what I wanted in these large rose quartz gemstones.

They symbolize the hug you need in the middle of your day, the compassion you can extend to yourself just by noticing what you need, the wisdom that rests around your heart that is just waiting for you.

My hope is that as you wear your rose quartz necklace, you will feel loved and remember that you're not alone.

Each of these stones is very unique. They're sitting in a bowl on my studio altar right now soaking up some love. It makes me so happy to think about the people who will order them. I will hold their name in my mind as I choose one just for them. 

I love this job.