Your Story (and a few other Be Present Retreats announcements) — Liz Lamoreux

The next round of Five Things begins February 1! Click here for more information and to register.


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Your Story (and a few other Be Present Retreats announcements)

liz lamoreux



feather found at sunset, gearhart, august 2010

From June 15-19, 2011, Your Story (a Be Present Retreat) will take place along the Pacific Ocean in Gearhart, Oregon. This retreat is part of the Studio Gathering series. These gatherings are inspired by the desire to have a room of our own where we can write, paint, play, and live creative dreams into reality combined with the idea that creative souls crave community with like-minded spirits. With that in mind, each day will include gatherings for the whole group balanced with free time for the retreat participants. Participants will be staying in a large house along the estuary the feeds into the Pacific Ocean (the house is walking distance/very very short drive to the ocean).

During our group gatherings, we will explore the topic of "Your Story" through a few themes:

  • Truth
  • Love and Passion
  • Joy and Beauty

These gatherings (that might sometimes feel a bit like adventures) will be led by four mentors:

Each day there will be a little talk, a bit of art, some photography, invitations to sit in the quiet and listen, opportunities to ask questions, some writing/journaling, moments to share pieces of your story, and maybe even some dancing. There will be photos walks, time to play with words and color, discussions, meditation, and more.

Each day there will also be time to listen to what you most need. Maybe this will mean taking a nap or collecting sand dollars at dawn (yes, there will be sand dollars) or staying in your pajamas all day or walking into town for ice cream or driving down the road to Manzanita or sitting side by side with someone who is becoming a dear friend as she shares her truth or working on your current "story" project.

This retreat is about gathering and sharing and investigating where we are on our paths. It is about breathing in the quiet to remember who we are. It is about holding the space while someone tells her story.

Registration for Your Story begins tomorrow (Wednesday, January 19), and there are just 20 spots at this retreat. To find out more, head over to the Your Story page


A few other Be Present Retreats announcements:

  • Registration for lodging at Pen & Paper (February 23-27 in Manzanita, Oregon) will close January 28. I will be accepting only day students after that date. We do have a few spots left in our additional housing, so please contact me as soon as possible if you are thinking about attending.
  • There are spots left at the Joy Retreat (March 30 - April 3) including some bunk room spots in the Main House and private and shared rooms in our additional ocean-front home. There is some pretty fantastic food talk and planning happening in our private Yahoo group as Tracy (aka Shutterbean) is cooking up some good stuff for the food portion of our adventure. Mati Rose, Andrea, Tracy, and I would love for you to join us.
  • The rumored Midwest Inner Excavation Weekend retreat is a go! Details coming soon, but just know that Kelly Barton and I would love for you to join us May 15-19 in Culver, Indiana.
  • Information about Create Magic, the fall retreat, will be up on the site next week. Can't wait to tell you about that one!

Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. Hope to see you in person in 2011!