your corner... — Liz Lamoreux

Camp Chickadee registration is open! Join Kelly Barton and me from June 18 - 22 for joy + connection + making at Three Bird Layne


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your corner...

liz lamoreux

December 1 from liz lamoreux on Vimeo.

today, i felt moved to make another video sharing something i just really want you to think about...something i really want me to think about. this idea of focusing on my own corner has really been pushing me lately. i have some projects/ideas/stuff to share in 2011 and i want to let go of all the what ifs and envy and fear and just show up as me and tell my story. sharing these little video snippets feels like one way to do this. thanks for watching. and if you feel moved to dialogue about this idea of focusing on our own corners, i welcome your thoughts...


three other little things:

1) thank you (like big) for all the orders in the shop today. your response to my last post has deeply moved me. i am busy making more "seek peace" necklaces. there is such beauty in the experience of pounding those letters into metal. i have put my hope out into the universe that perhaps we will be able to donate enough to fund one family's stay at the Tree House (parent/family apartments) for one week. this is where jon and i stayed while ellie was in the PICU.

2) i have been receiving lots of inquiries for custom lockets/necklaces. at this time, i will take them through december 8. after that, i will be taking custom orders again in january. if you are interested in a custom order, please just send me an email or etsy convo.

3) i do plan to participate in december views again this year. i love this project. i especially love that there are no rules. this means i might just post another post today...or two photos tomorrow...or maybe just post on flickr. no rules. yes. love this. (let me know if you are playing along.)