right here. — Liz Lamoreux

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right here.

liz lamoreux

do you see a car? yes! do you see little critter?

Books are a big part of our days over here this month. Goodnight Moon and a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse look and find book have been the main favorites, but a couple of weeks ago, I introduced Beana to Little Critter.

I showed her my favorite Little Critter book (that has moved with me from house to house over the years), Just For You, and talked about how I used to read it over and over again to myself and then to my little brother.

There is something about this story about a little one who wants to make his mama happy but somehow keeps getting distracted by living. My favorite scene is when he is taking a bath and water is everywhere because"there was a storm." Love it. And in the end, all is well as he successfully hugs his mama and heads to bed.

The day after we first read this book, Ellie brought it to me and we looked through it again. Reading mostly consists of her pointing to different things wanting Jon and me to tell her what they are. Then we ask her to find things on the pages. When I asked, "Where is Little Critter?" and she pointed right to him...well...I cried. Just like that. Because sometimes the love of those who came before you (who love you even still) rises up around you until little tears form. 

I told a certain grandmother about Ellie's new love of Little Critter and a box of books arrived from Amazon days later. Just like that.

(I will always buy you books, she would say for as long as I can remember.)

Ellie is reading from Just Me and My Mom in the photo above. I am someone's mom. So so crazy. She doesn't really call me mama yet. When she gleefully calls for Da Da! when she hears the front door open, I try not to let it bother me. Because the truth is, if she had a name for me right now, it would probably be "here."

Where is mama? I ask. And she points to herself in the center of her chest and then touches my chest.

Right here.

I love that. 


reaching for the camera