new in the shop (or how i continue to find my way) — Liz Lamoreux

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new in the shop (or how i continue to find my way)

liz lamoreux

new items in the shop

new necklaces in the shop

still working on that mountain of things to do over here, but happy to report that i did get a few new items listed in the shop. a small "almost spring" collection and a few ready to ship/one of a kind necklaces.

after a long talk with a friend who let me ramble in circles as i wished for an assistant and the gift of rest, i have decided to close my shop for the weeks surrounding the next retreat (which is the Joy retreat...there are still five spots left!). UPDATE: (realized a few things about my schedule and am modifying the dates i originally put here) so i will be closing my etsy shop from March 28 to around April 18 to give myself some time to focus on the other aspects of my creative business, including workshops, retreats, and some other fun things i have waiting in the idea journal...and i will be working on a fun new spring collection for the shop during that time too.

i am actually organizing and hosting five retreats this year and the first four happen one right after the other (including one in the midwest...have you heard? kelly b and i are really doing it! yep. culver, indiana in may. more information right here). i am so excited about these retreats and the first one, Pen & Paper, unfolded so beautifully (more on that soon) and gently pushed me to continue to own that i do feel like this is my gather women to play and create and sit in the quiet and share pieces of their stories. it is a gift to be present at these gatherings.

as i said to my friend, i am at this place where i have to admit that i feel behind in many things because i am a work at home mama to a little one who needs me more than anyone else does, but i also feel like i am at this important place on my creative path. there is an intense push and pull happening inside me at times. and even though i know this is part of it, part of this new mama experience, it still is what it is. and it is happening. and it is going to keep happening. i am learning that i simply must say "no" because life is unpredictable with a baby, especially one who has health "stuff" and daily medication and doctor's appointments and how the list goes on. letting people down can feel a bit like i am suffocating (do you know that feeling?) but i am standing in the truth that letting ellie down is not an option right now. 

so as i continue to find my way, i deeply appreciate you being out there reminding me i am not alone as i do breath, one step, repeat repeat repeat. 

happy weekend to you in your corner of the world,
