hello mtn — Liz Lamoreux

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hello mtn

liz lamoreux


a few glimpses into my afternoon with hello mtn (aka my brother matthew and the delightful, beautiful, and sweet catherine). they are currently working on a video and finishing their debut EP. 


(so let's pretend for a moment that the handsome guy in these photos is not my brother.) here is what i love about hello mtn's story (aside from the fact that they wrote my daughter the most beautiful song ever heard in all the world):

they are working on their album, writing all the songs and recording them in stops and spurts, while catherine is on tour with horse feathers. this means that sometimes they are emailing ideas back and forth, and she records a demo in her hotel room while in, let's say montreal, and matt then fleshes it out in his studio in portland. then he will email her the updated song, and she will listen to it on her iphone while she is on a train heading to berlin. feedback is exchanged. matt tries to brush off the reality that she is across the world from him and continues working on the song until she gets back and they can record the final version. but she's only home a few days. they play a few shows, continue recording the EP, and off she goes again.


sounds like a movie doesn't it? it gets better. they are writing letters back and forth on their website to fill in the spaces of the missing and give each other a glimpse into where they are in the world.


i am smitten, just smitten with this band and its story. in a way i haven't been smitten since i heard the weepies sing, "i thought of you, and where you'd gone. and the world spins madly on."

and lucky for us, i get to share a little video clip from "first song for ellie jane."

(you can hear a few minutes of some "demo" recordings on their facebook page, and you can see a few more photos from our day together over on my flickr.)