abloom. — Liz Lamoreux

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liz lamoreux


(snippets of summer through my lens)


(adjective, abounding with blooms)

the bursting with pink patchwork quilt sits beneath her crossed legs
as she creates a crown of queen anne's lace
with each twist and turn of the stem,
she smells her still sticky from watermelon juice fingers
hears the insistent jingle of the ice cream man's truck, two streets away,
and feels the sun's cocooning warmth
finished, she places the crown upon her head, stands,
and slowly, she begins to spin
the fuschia, purple, orange of the dahlias and snapdragons blur
one foot races the other as she circles
stopping suddenly, she crosses her feet at the ankles, and in one movement,
she lands on the blanket with a grin
sipping lemonade from her thermos,
a poetry reading for one begins
as she recites the words of billy collins, marge piercy, and may sarton
(mapping them into her heart)
when it is almost too much
the words, the scents, the truths
the invitation to own all of it
she walks to the roses
and breathes in each petal



introducing seasons 
(a new necklace series in the shop)

in my corner of the world, people often joke that we have two seasons: rain and "july and august." but i don't feel that way. i think the colors in this corner of the world are magic. spring begins her dance in february when the crocus inches toward the sky. when summer arrives, the dahlias are standing so proud, you can't help but breathe a little deeper when you come across their brilliant swaying stalks. fall brings leaves that sparkle as the rain sprinkles upon them. and winter brings a green that hints (even with its grey companion in the sky) that spring will return. the seasons sometimes tumble awkwardly from one to the next as they forget the calendar's invitation to arrive, instead finding their own path. capturing them through my lens provides me with moments to sit in the quiet and remember...

each season, i am creating a limited edition necklace that honors the colors, smells, textures of that season. the necklace is paired with a poem and a word (the poem's title) that shares a sliver of one moment in that season.

today, i am introducing abloom: a necklace inspired by a romantic afternoon for one filled with words and colors and juicy moments and the reminder to soak up every second of its beauty.


you can find abloom in my etsy shop, and it will be available for the rest of the summer.