the pauses. — Liz Lamoreux

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the pauses.

liz lamoreux

the pauses

i have been trying to notice the pauses in between all the other stuff...

the hot hot water of the shower pelting my back

the truth and beauty in the sound of a friend's laughter

tucked in bed listening to jonny breathe as the rain pounds the roof

inhaling deeply while holding my favorite blue mug full of jasmine green tea

slipping on jon's shoes because then i can still wear my thick sock slippers while i take millie out and watch her run around the yard and stop and listen and run again as the rain drips drips drips upon us

a letting go of feelings that served their purpose

color sneaking its way in

a desire to wear more lipstick

looking out the window for just a moment while thinking about a dream that might come true

braiding my hair into two long braids and feeling more like myself

curling up by the fire with a really good book and my family

...i have been trying to notice the little moments that make up this life.