notes for the journey . january 24 — Liz Lamoreux

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notes for the journey . january 24

liz lamoreux


i have been thinking about a series of posts with a theme like: i think you should know about this (just in case you don't). but that is a bit cumbersome i think. i imagine these posts being a gathering of people catching my eye, new things i have learned, ideas, bits i have a collection of notes jotted down that i can't wait to share.

i am going to call these posts: notes for the journey.

today's notes:

the jewelry of paper wings (aka my delightful friend jen goff). her jewelry is elegant, inspired by nature, and full of light...just like she is. i just adore her. and jen recently started a blog (check it out and welcome her to blog world).

the perfect little dessert (judy introduced me to this): medjool dates + cream cheese.

the four. such inspiration here. can't wait to see what these four girls do next.

the farm chicks blog. these girls bring such happiness into the world. and i am enjoying the bursts of goodness they share through recipes and other fun things on their blog (i want to make these soon). and i am really looking forward to their book coming out this spring!

the photography (and blog) of abby try again. i just purchased a print and postcards from her shop. incredible. gorgeous. i am so taken with the way she sees the world through her lens.

photos at ground level. for the last year or so, i have been having fun putting my camera right onto the ground and pressing the shutter. the photo above is the beach in bandon, oregon, looking out toward the ocean. try it some time (and let me know all about it).

hope your weekend is full of much beauty and joy.
(thank you for your positive feedback and encouragement about my video post...i look forward to making another one soon.)