full. — Liz Lamoreux

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liz lamoreux

the sun sets

i am so full.
i am so full of hope and possibility.

when life is good, even for just a moment, it might seem easy to just rest inside these feelings.

but even in the midst of the stuff that might not be so great...the hard stuff...the heavy lifting that makes up this life. even in the midst of that, i find myself returning to hope and possibility.

i find myself resting inside it with each breath.

i find myself returning to the belief that we are in control of how we walk in this life...if we open our hearts...how we react in any given moment...how we react to others...we choose. we choose.

and through hope and possibility, i choose the light.

(just wanted to peek in and say hi and share these thoughts i am having as i get ready to go to bed early to continue to catch up on sleep. i'll be back in the morning with more to share. oh and just know that i might keep sharing these oregon coast photos for the next few weeks. the lighting one night last week was simply perfection and i can't get over the joys of using my 50mm lens at the beach...in that lighting. hope you don't mind.)