.the soul mantra pendants. — Liz Lamoreux

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.the soul mantra pendants.

liz lamoreux

earlier this month, i shared the pendant i created to be a constant reminder of what i am learning while practicing the mirror meditation.


this reminder: i am beauty.
(to be read when looking in the mirror)

at squam, i debuted a new line of pendants inspired by this meditation and others i try to practice as i walk on this journey. they are a way of bringing my yoga world into my creations a bit more.

i have added a few to my little shop this evening.

i hope 1

these pendants are an invitation to pause in your day, take a breath, and sit in the quiet, even if just for a brief moment.

begin 1

when you wear one of these pendants, i invite you to see it as a reminder. when you feel it against your skin, notice it on your dresser before you put it on, hear it slide across the chain, see it resting against your neck in your reflection, give yourself permission to bring awareness to your breathing. inhale and internally speak your mantra. exhale and let whatever you need from this mantra settle over you.

open up 1

(a big thanks to jen and nina for their words of encouragement (and advice) for me as i enter into another aspect of my creative world; this one filled with jump rings and wire wrapping and antiquing metal)


if you placed a custom order with me (and gave me a deposit toward it) at squam, you should have received an email today confirming your order. if you talked about placing an order with me, but didn't receive an email, and are still interested in a custom creation, then please contact me (waywardtulip at gmail dot com). thanks!