constant friendship {love thursday} — Liz Lamoreux

Camp Chickadee registration is open! Join Kelly Barton and me from June 18 - 22 for joy + connection + making at Three Bird Layne


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constant friendship {love thursday}

liz lamoreux

friend (my millie)

miss millie patiently waits for us to head to bed, 8.27.08

my constant companion throughout my days.

she follows me around the house.

sighing when we finally settle into a room where i will work while she watches me, listens for squirrels and the mailman, and snoozes.

she came to stay just days after traveler died. we were just going to "foster" her for the rescue. but, of course, she knew she had come to stay forever.

when she rests her head on my foot when we curl up for a midday nap, i feel a certainty that all is as it should be in that moment.

she is one of my teachers as she seeks and sniffs and knows when to rest and knows when to play and knows just when to nudge me as if to say, "everything is gonna be alright."

she has a place right in the middle of my heart.

(more love thursday here)