on the last day of october... — Liz Lamoreux

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on the last day of october...

liz lamoreux

library tote

a pocket library tote (part of a giveaway at the end of this post)

i must admit that the month of october blew by me. it just did. poof. suddenly gone.

i have been dipping into blog reading here and there and have really been inspired by all that you are saying. there is a "pulling it all up from the guts and looking at where i am in the world" going on out there. and i have read some words i really needed to read...and felt an invitation to stop keeping so much in and start sharing in this space in ways i used to, especially how i wrote when i first started blogging.

i have felt really overwhelmed about a few things lately and the lonelies have plopped down in the middle of the living room and won't leave me alone. but they are parked in the midst of so much clutter, literal and figurative clutter, and i have decided to finally tackle it. yep. i spent about five hours yesterday beginning to move the little room into the guest room (and from: the living room, the kitchen, the laundry room, and the family room). the little room will become the guest room. i can't wait. i want to just wrinkle my nose and have it done or at least just have the furniture swapped...or have one of you live near me and maybe you could just come over and help for a day. we could get so much done. i would take you out for dinner (sushi?) and you could even spend the night (the guest bed is really comfy) and then jon would make us breakfast. yes. that would be perfect. let's do that.

anyway, i have decided that i just might try to write in this space every single day in november. i'm not going to (at this point) sign up for anything as i don't think i can handle that guilt of not finishing (i am so very good at guilt)...but dar's posts have been pushing me lately...pushing me to let that writer back out of me. pushing me to realize that getting some of these stuck words and feelings out of me might just help me to get out of my head. and i so need to get out of my head.

i passed 700 posts a few posts back. and i really, really want to celebrate that. meant to do that at 600 posts and then at my three-year blog birthday last month. ahhh...this is the way it has been lately. anyway, i really want to celebrate with a thank you for all that you give me by stopping by and sharing yourself with me...and thank those of you with blogs who give pieces of yourself as you share your world...

the library pocket tote at the top of this post is a favorite of mine. i bought up all the yards i could find of that cursive writing blackboard fabric. it just makes me happy. and i use a bit of it every now and then. this giveaway will include that tote and then a few other of my favorite things like vintage buttons and other vintage bits.

so to enter this little giveaway that seems a bit hidden at the end of this post, please share something you are hoping for in this moment in your life.

i will start: i hope for change next tuesday.