good evening monday {october 9} — Liz Lamoreux

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good evening monday {october 9}

liz lamoreux

(have tried to post this several times. sorry to those of you who have bloglines etc. blogger and i are, shall we say, fighting.)
updated morning of 10/10 - second link in reading below now directs you to the great crafty blog two straight lines


tina turner (all the best – the hits). how can you not feel better when you hear her sing? how can you not sing? how can you not get up and shake your groove thing?


a very interesting movie called In My Country. so sad, but so good.

(and now this is the part where i admit to how much tv I have been watching lately)

Boston Legal (oh how I love the music)

john stamos on ER. i haven’t really been into this show for years (they lost me when dr. romano's (sp?) arm was sliced off by the helicopter. remember? it was so disturbing i jumped up from the couch and yelled scarying jon and traveler like I had been bit by something), but here i am watching it again. i kind of heart john stamos.

the opening scene of last thursday’s grey’s anatomy had me doing this kind of moan, giggle, oh my god sound. jon was watching from the kitchen like, “what is your problem. oh that damn patrick dempsey must be on the screen.” (when i was watching chris o’donnell in those batman movies, i would have never thought he would have me blushing in prime time.)

the “hot topics” on the view. yes. at 10 am a few times a week i tune in to see what rosie and the girls are talking about. i then turn it off. i loved watching rosie's show when i was in college and i am glad she joined this show. today though i had to mute elizabeth talking about her support of the war and george bush. it does take it’s own form of bravery to speak up when no one agrees with you, but man, i sure don’t agree with her. (well, maybe it really isn't courage when you are getting paid well and get to wear amazing clothes and are married to an NFL football player and and and all that stuff. maybe it is just...okay...this is not a political blog.)

battlestar galatica. such a good season premiere. but i said to jon that if there isn’t some glimmer of hope by the third episode, even if it is super tiny, i might not make it through this season. this show is so timely. as entertainment weekly mentioned, it is very post-9/11 and YOU should be watching it.

all the episodes of weeds so far this season. in one sitting.*


this blog. jerri has me laughing and being introspective, at the same time.

this blog. love all the crafty ideas and the way she writes.

and this blog. very inspired by the letter to the self on 10/6.

(had to expand this category a bit)

a three-bean chili with some chicken and buffalo (if you come visit i will be happy to make it sans meat).

sketching some new ideas for things i want to make. (yes, me…sketching. how much fun can one girl have?)

finishing up my package for the tea towel swap.


watching those boys play notre dame football on saturdays.

my new sweater from j.jill.


homemade hummus. i love my own the best (i must admit).

trader joes veggie corn dogs (yep, alexandra said they were good and she wasn’t kidding).


do you need to ask? of course…pumpkin spice soy lattes.

cranberry juice and ginger ale (i always drink this when i am sick).

mug after mug of tea.


diving into the poems of sharon olds.

our first delivery from yesterday morning’s scary experience.


about how important it is to be gentle with other’s feelings. yet i sometimes wonder why people seem to forget this when they talk to me but expect me to remember it all the time. (i know this isn’t really true, but i am just thinking about it.)

about the sirens and commotion millie and i heard at 1 a.m. when i was just getting ready to close my laptop and head to bed. it was happening down the street and kind of scary. I woke jon up when the motion detector light went off in the back. we didn’t investigate outside, but made sure everything was locked up. hopefully tonight’s night of sleep will be stress-free.


this autumn weather. candles burning, warm sweaters, knee socks, still warm enough to have the windows open a bit, pumpkins. just love it!

warm, fuzzy socks.

finding the gratitude in my life every day.

*a phone call interrupted me from a nap on Friday. now usually i hate phone calls that wake me up. not usually, always. i feel confused and vulnerable and thick-tongue-tied. but the caller id said our power/cable company, so i answered thinking, “did i forget to pay the bill?” it was a recording saying, “this weekend you have a free preview of showtime…includes on demand…” i woke right up and turned on the tv and started watching this season of weeds. oh how I love that show. this just made my weekend! (and yes, i did watch all eight in a row. that is what you get to do when you are sick and your husband has to work late and you don’t really know anyone in your town so you wouldn't have had any plans on a friday night anyway.)