Side by side ecourse
Come along for a month of stories and invitations to help you remember we’re side by side as we move through our days.
Recently I sat down and practiced one of my favorite prompts and made a list of stories I want to tell. As I started to write this list, I realized I wanted to share these stories with you because maybe you, like me, need these reminders of how to reach toward presence, compassion, and love each day. So I’ve gathered them up along with quotes, poems, and other inspiration for this new offering I’m calling Side by Side.
Here's how it works: Every day in August, I’ll send you an email. Every other day will be a letter that will include a story and a prompt. On the in-between days, I’ll send an email with a quote and a poem for you to read and reflect on along with some fun new inspiration links that you’re used to receiving from me in my ecourses. Throughout the month, we will meet up in an optional Facebook group to connect about the prompts. And if you join after the first of the month, you will still receive all the prompts. If you sign up by August 2, I will send you Days 1 and 2 on the same day. If you sign up starting August 3, you will receive one email a day starting with Day 1 for the next 31 days (so that you don’t get too many in one day).
The stories and prompts will be invitations to explore presence, joy, and connection. They will help you reflect on how mindfulness and creativity show up in your life. And they will include insight into how I navigate The And Spaces in my life. (The And Space is what I call that place where we hold several feelings and experiences at once. We can feel hopeful & uncertain, grief & joy, delight & hesitation. We can find joy in the hard stuff and beauty in the messiness of life.)
With this offering you decide how you want to explore the ideas and prompts shared throughout the month. You might:
Write in a notebook after you read each email just letting your pen slide across the paper as you get words onto the page.
Create in a journal in whatever way you enjoy. Maybe you have an art journal practice and these stories and ideas will give you a place to begin as you make your pages. You might have pages left in one of your Five Things journals or from another project, and you can use these prompts to fill it up.
Read the emails and spend time in reflection, letting the themes and words help you move through your day.
Look for your own prompts within the words I share and create whatever you’re moved to - from cooking to dancing to taking a walk and noticing the world around you.
Make a list (because you know I love a good list and I believe listing prompts are everywhere).
Write your own stories inspired by what you read.
Read the emails before you begin your own daily practice and let them be a jumping off point for your own creative play.
I know this time of year can be busy. Some of us are finishing up our summer adventures + getting kids ready to start the school year. Others of us are looking forward to cooler weather and the promise of fall. And those of us in the southern hemisphere are seeing signs of spring. You may be in a quiet, busy, uncertain, or very full season. We are all finding our way. And I know I feel more grounded when I’m finding my way side by side with like-minded kindreds, which is why I created this course for us.
Dates: We begin August 1
Cost: $18 for one spot (bring a friend and get two spots for $30)
Register here or read on for more details.
Side by Side includes:
Course material provided via email: Daily course emails for 31 days will include stories, inspiration, and a few other good things along the way. I’ll also be sharing poems, quotes, and other links just like I do in Five Things.
Facebook group: We'll have an optional private Facebook group where we can share how we respond to the stories, connect, and support one another.
Instagram: We’ll also connect on Instagram via a hashtag, which is a fun and easy way to share and meet others in the course.
Reasons you might want to come along:
You enjoy receiving my daily emails during Five Things and want that same feeling with a slightly different project.
Starting or ending your day with a soft place to land that includes stories and inspiration would feel supportive right now. (In other words, reading an email from me might help you get into a better headspace than scrolling when you get up or before you go to sleep.)
You have empty pages in some of your journals that you want to fill. Maybe you’ve taken Five Things or other courses with me and you’d like to fill in empty pages or add more to a journal you’ve started.
You do better when you have a prompt to help you dive into your creative play. The blank white page or the table with art supplies can be inspiring and overwhelming. Having a prompt gives you a starting point.
You know a daily practice supports you, but it is hard to keep at it without a guide. This is one reason why I do what I do. A daily practice shouldn’t feel impossible. We can practice together.
You want to feel connected to others who are finding their way in The And Spaces of life.
Supplies needed:
You choose if you want to gather up supplies for this adventure. I’m a big believer in having a notebook nearby as you read the daily emails so you can write down any ideas and thoughts that come to you. I will be encouraging you to really listen to what you need during our month together. If you have a journal and some supplies you’ve been longing to use, I hope you’ll dive into them. If you need to spend time in reflection and connect with others in our Facebook group about the stories, then trust that is the right path for you.
Cost: $18 for one spot (or bring a friend and get two spots for $30)
Click on the button above to register. Emails will be sent to the email address you enter when you check out. If you’re purchasing a spot for a friend, please include their email in the notes section when you check out (and be sure to tell them). After you sign up, you should receive a receipt confirming your spot (be sure you’ve entered your email in correctly).
If you join after the first of the month, you will still receive all the prompts. If you sign up by August 2, I will send you Days 1 and 2 on the same day. If you sign up starting August 3, you will receive one email a day starting with Day 1 for the next 31 days (so that you don’t get too many in one day).
If you have questions about Side by Side, please just get in touch.